Dear AMCHAM members, partners and friends,
Welcome to the 18 May issue of your AMCHAM Newsletter!
This past Friday, the Executive Committee and I were pleased to host our annual Board meeting and AGM at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce. We were likewise pleased we had the full quorum of participation necessary to make the event legally compliant and acknowledge this quorum was largely achieved by means of proxies given to me personally empowering me to vote for members unable to attend because of their busy schedules. I personally thank all of those who gave me their proxies and thank them for their trust and support. As a special treat at our AGM, we were honored Pierre Gramegna and Carlo Thelen stopped by to briefly visit with us. We were delighted to catch up with them, pleased to have their friendship and support and look forward to publishing an interview with Mr. Gramegna in the fall after he has finished visiting all of the constituent members he represents in his capacity as the managing director of the European Stability Mechanism.
At our AGM, we confirmed your AMCHAM has successfully maintained solid financial standing (thank you Joao Ferreira for all of your conscientious work as our Réviseur des comptes!) and presented our plans for the remaining part of the year. We continue with our relaunch of the AMCHAM committees and will be pleased to welcome additional new members who want to serve on these committees. Please contact me (Paul@amcham.lu), Daniel McKenzie (Daniel@amcham.lu), Sonja Holper (Sonja@amcham.lu) and Jean-Claude Frings (Jean-Claude@amcham.lu) to discuss committee opportunities or upcoming events.
On behalf of all of the AMCHAM Executive Committee, I most sincerely thank Stefan Chorus for his active, well informed and very much appreciated service as an EXCO member for the past several years and acknowledge him with thanks and understanding as he gives up this position to devote more time in the third phase of his life and spend more time in Spain. Stefan, we all have hugely appreciated you and your contributions. We wish you well.
I am also pleased to announce the accession of Marjorie Allo and Alan Lam to the AMCHAM EXCO and very warmly welcome them into their new positions! We consider we are very lucky to have their support and expertise as we move forward in service to our members and this country we all love.
This week, we are featuring two Newsletter interviews to introduce and acquaint you with first time political candidates seeking to be elected and serve at communal level. Giovanni Patri, who is the Chairman of our AMCHAM Entrepreneurial/Small Business committee is running for election as an alderman in the Ville de Luxembourg on the CSV ticket of candidates while Camilla Cuppini is running as a first time DP candidate. I personally know and appreciate both candidates and am pleased to provide them with a platform to explain to voters who they are and what they will do if given the opportunity to serve. Enjoy their interviews.
As I have said before, AMCHAM is non-partisan but fiercely pro-business. We believe government at its best must be inclusive to represent all points of view. We likewise believe that private sector business activities generate the wealth of Luxembourg and we therefore are continually active informing, explaining and promoting the needs and points of view of the business community of our members and their employees to the politicians to ensure they make the right decisions and implement the right policies to keep Luxembourg strong and prosperous for the benefit of all. To be very clear, if we do not have strong, successful companies and maintain a vibrant successful economy, we simply will not be able to continue the prosperity, standard of living and quality of life that we all have had and wish to continue to enjoy!
This coming weekend ING will again host their annual Marathon (please find additional information HERE). Stephano Di Carlo, the Managing Director of EGB and a long-term friend and partner of AMCHAM is participating, as are many others, we are sure. Stephano is a passionate marathon runner (and an incredibly nice person), you can read more about his exploits here. We have confidence the ING Marathon will be a tremendous success this year and look forward to publishing post-event photos and news.
We continue our work partnering with the Polo Club Luxembourg in support of the wonderful Barnes Realty 10th Polo International tournament, which we are very pleased to co-sponsor on 7,8,9 July. Please connect to the latest details HERE.
Please see the most current details for our other planned events below.
- If you have any issues to bring to our attention, contact us HERE and we will do our best to help.
- If you are not yet an AMCHAM member, contact us HERE so we can explain all of the benefits of AMCHAM membership (regardless of your nationality, you will be most welcome to join and thrive as part of our family!).
- If you do not have a FREE subscription to this digital weekly AMCHAM Newsletter, send a message to communication@amcham.lu with your contact details saying you want to be subscribed and we will sign you up with pleasure. Please tell your friends too!
- If you are not yet an AMCHAM Member Benefits Card (MBC) participant or partner, please contact Jorge HERE and he will explain everything you need to know and do to join our MBC program and benefit from the discounts offered by our partners!
Thanks for allowing the AMCHAM team to serve you!
With respect and our very best wishes,
Paul Michael Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO