General Members News

NautaDutilh boosts its funds practice with the arrival of partner Géraldine Léonard

NautaDutilh boosts its funds practice with the arrival of partner Géraldine Léonard


1 September 2022, Luxembourg – Géraldine Léonard has joined NautaDutilh’s investment fund practice as of 1 September 2022.

Géraldine has more than ten years’ experience in the investment management industry. She specialises in legal and regulatory matters related to Luxembourg based investment funds and investment fund managers. She advises domestic and international clients on the structuring, marketing and day-to-day operations of Luxembourg investment vehicles, with a particular focus on alternative investment funds and UCITS. She also has in-depth experience in fund managers’ operations and restructuring transactions.

“We are delighted to welcome Géraldine in our investment funds practice. Géraldine will work closely with all our departments at a Benelux level. Her arrival reflects the firm’s continued commitment to developing a practice dedicated to expertly advising domestic and international clients. Géraldine’s enthusiasm, knowledge and personalised client approach will undoubtedly be a huge asset to the firm,” says Josée Weydert, managing partner of NautaDutilh Luxembourg.