General Members News

Expansion and strengthening of support measures for businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Expansion and strengthening of support measures for businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic



Given that the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic consequences persist and that the European Commission has broadened and extended the temporary framework for state aid, the Luxembourg government has decided to strengthen its support measures for companies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. On February 12, 2021, the Governing Council thus approved, on a proposal from the Minister for Middle Classes, Lex Delles, an extension of the new stimulus aid and the aid to uncovered costs put in place by the law of December 19, 2020.

Anxious to provide companies with the necessary support to get through the current crisis while encouraging them to continue their activities as far as possible, it has been decided that the aid to uncovered costs will immunize up to 25% of turnover. monthly for the calculation of revenue, this for the period from February to June 2021. However, provided that a legal closure is imposed. Thanks to this measure, up to a quarter of business turnover will not be taken into account, which benefits café owners and restaurateurs who offer a take-away service. Or provide home delivery. Added to this is the decision to take into account all the costs not covered for the calculation of the aid, this for the period from February to June 2021 and for companies subject to a legal closure respectively those which have suffered a loss of turnover of at least 75% due to legal restrictions on gatherings. Aid for uncovered costs is also extended for 3 months, until June 2021 inclusive.

With a view to further supporting young companies, which were created in an uncertain economic context, it was decided that they can now benefit from the aid with uncovered costs. They can now also benefit from the recovery aid even if they started their activities after October 31, 2020, the new deadline for starting activities being set at December 31, 2020. It has also been decided that companies whose loss of turnover for the month of January 2021 is less than the 25% required, can benefit from the stimulus aid for the month of January 2021 if they have been the subject during this month of a legal obligation closing during that month (eg non-food retail stores, fitness, etc.). The

the Directorate General of the Middle Classes, the Chamber of Commerce and the House of Entrepreneurship will launch an information campaign. Finally, it should be noted that the Directorate General of the Middle Classes has paid nearly 300 million euros to companies and self-employed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic “.

Communicated by the General Directorate of the Middle Classes