What started with revised rules for taxation of the digital economy has since evolved to encompass a wider range of industries. Therefore, the future of Global Tax Policy will bring about significant changes that will alter the international tax landscape.
We invite you to an informative webinar hosted by the following distinguished panel of experts:
Michael Ayachi, Associate Partner, Luxembourg
Emilien Lebas, Partner, Luxembourg
Michael Plowgian, Principal, Washington D.C.
From the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)
Paul Hondius, Head of Harmful Tax Practices
The discussion will take a look ahead at what can be expected from on-going proposals at the OECD level (BEPS 2.0 projects), and more specifically, the related impact on business between the United States and Luxembourg.
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Global Tax Policy rEvolution
July 20, 2021
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm