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Cash repatriation: What are your options?

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Cash repatriation: What are your options?

Webinar in our new “Food for Thought” series

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

12:30pm – 1:30pm CET


During this seminar, we will give you an overview of the various ways to repatriate cash for the most commonly used Luxembourg corporate entities and some of the latest developments in this respect. This seminar will give you a high-level overview of both legal and tax aspects, covering the various types of equity repatriations (dividend, premium repayment, capital reduction and liquidation) and the available options in terms of debt instruments.


We will:

  • define the various concepts;
  • outline the relevant legal conditions and applicable tax regime;
  • analyse some debated matters.

Audience: This webinar is intended for directors, practitioners and legal and tax teams involved in the structuring, setting up and management of corporate structures and life cycle of corporate entities.




Ambroise Foerster – Counsel


Julie Hecklen – Counsel


Céline Pignon – Counsel