Town Hall Meeting before the Elections 27th September





(Left to right: Sven Clement/François Fayot/Meris Sehovic/Roy Reding /Laurent Mosar/Simone Beissel)

Following the highly successful 2017 Town Hall event, we at AMCHAM continue to work hard to inform and involve the English-speaking foreign residents as voters in the 14 October elections. To this end, we invited you to participate in a Town Hall Meeting organized by AMCHAM Luxembourg on 27 September 2018.
Our plan was to invite leading representatives from Luxembourg’s principal political parties to briefly present their political parties, their vision for Luxembourg and their view on the role of the international community in Luxembourg. The presentations will be followed by an interactive discussion, including questions from the audience, on the subjects of greatest interest to the foreign community.
ING Luxembourg, supports, for the second time, this Town Hall initiative as a sponsor of the event. The event took place at ING Lux House and was followed by a networking cocktail kindly offered by ING Luxembourg.
Speakers for the evening: Simone Beissel (DP), Sven Clement (Piraten),François Fayot (LSAP), Laurent Mosar (CSV), Roy Reding (ADR), Meris Sehovic (Déi Gréng)