For the members of the Cercle Munster, the team and the Chef will host an unforgettable splendid Saint Valentine evening. Chef Sergio Pinto created an exquisite menu which can be enjoyed at the magnificent Fine dining Restaurant at the Cercle Munster. Reservations can be taken under
Amuse-bouche :
Huître en gelée de caviar Baeri
Rose de Saint-Jacques marinés,
cœur fondant de céleri rave à l’huile de noisette, copeaux de truffes
Raviole de King crabe,
émulsion gingembre et citron vert
Granité champagne et pointe d’agrumes
Bœuf emprisonné dans sa croûte dorée de pain,
perles de patate douce et jus brun au foie gras
La tendresse,
mousse chocolat blanc vanillé et fruits rouges
Menu arrosé au champagne rosé
120,00 Euro Boisson incl.
In English :
Oyster in Baeri caviar jelly
Rose of marinated scallops
celeriac with hazelnut oil, truffle shavings
King crab ravioli,
ginger and lime emulsion
Champagne granita with a hint of citrus
Beef imprisoned in a golden bread crust
sweet potato pearls and foie gras brown juice
The tenderness,
white chocolate and vanilla mousse with red fruits
Rosé champagne menu
120.00 Euros incl. beverages