Poland recently recalled 50 ambassadors appointed by the former rightwing government. Ambassador Wojtczak is returning to Poland for consultations with his government. While back in Poland he continues to have the title and responsibilities as the Polish Ambassador to Luxembourg.
Photo from the personal collection of Mrs. Iwona Wojtczak
Ms. Nina Wojtczak is an amateur golfer and studies at the University of Indiana, playing for the Jaguars. On the occasion of her father’s departure, she gave this speech.
Dearest Dad, Mister Ambassador, Dean of the diplomatic corpus in Luxembourg, Greatest Mom, First counsellor
Dad, since February 2017, you’ve held the most important position in a modest but incredibly important embassy. I think everyone here can testify that you, along with your wife and my mom, have done amazing things and had an incredible impact on Luxembourg. As your daughter, I want to congratulate you for these 7 and a half years and say thank you. For everything.
In August 2017, I joined you dad here in Luxembourg, not knowing what I should expect. A new home, a new environment, a new educational system and, of course, a new home golf course. Everything was new again, even more when, shortly afterwards, it turned out that Mom was leaving to Brussels to work at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Poland to the European Union. Mom, once again, even though I’ve already told you many times, I’m incredibly proud of you, of your perseverance and success, and say thank you for visiting us in Luxembourg almost every weekend.
I could stay here and talk for hours about all the great moments of this seven-year journey, but I’d like to mention and highlight a few precious ones.
At first, immodestly, I’d like to mention the “Polish Ambassadors Cup” series of golf tournaments, held three times at the GCGD. As a golfer, you impressed me with the quality of the idea and organization of this event. The round of golf itself, the awards and prizes, the friendly atmosphere, and the snacks, and zubrowka or soplica after the ninth hole made a great impression on all those who attended the event. I’m sure that these moments will remain forever in the memories of our club members.
Mazowsze performance. Yes. You’re probably wondering why I want to mention this event. I’ve always enjoyed listening to your stories about concerts with the UMCS folk dance group during your college years. When the folk-dance group Mazowsze came to Luxembourg, the smile didn’t disappear from my face because I was incredibly proud that you managed to organize something that combined your passion from teenage years, with your job. Dad, I’m still waiting for you to show me a full performance of Polonez with Mom.
The last significant memory I want to mention is the annual national celebrations you organize for the Republic of Poland. I know how much effort it costs you and how much time it takes you to organize these celebrations, and I owe you a lot of respect for that. Wonderful guests, performances by the “Polanie” ensemble and the “Hoquetus Ensemble” choir, delicious Polish food, and Dad’s beautiful speeches. I am going to miss that.
These are certainly my favourite and most memorable moments of this seven-year period.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to grow in such a wonderful international environment. Thank you for the opportunity to accompany you, Mom and Dad to countless dinners, events, concerts, parties, and other gatherings. And thank you for the opportunity to meet so many extraordinary people, many amazing current and former ambassadors and their families, former Prime Minister, current Minister of Foreign Affairs Mister Xavier Bettel, Minister of Defence Yuriko Backes, City of Luxembourg’s Mayor Maurice Bauer, Chairman and CEO of the American Chamber of Commerce Paul Schonenberg, all the members of the GCGD Club, wonderful friends and many more. Finally, I’d like to thank you for all the support you’ve given me, despite your busy schedule.
I wish you the best of luck in your next steps of your professional career. You are my greatest role models and my biggest sources of inspiration. I’m very proud of you. It’s an honour to be your daughter. I love you deeply.
Thank you very much.