On April 27, a grave marker replacement ceremony was held at the Luxembourg-American Cemetery in Hamm, led by Operation Benjamin, an organization devoted to preserving the memories of American-Jewish soldiers who died defending Europe in World War II.
Operation Benjamin locates Jewish soldiers interred at American military cemeteries all over the world who, for various reasons, were buried under gravestones that incorrectly represent their religion. Their mission is to correct these mistakes and replace the grave markers to correctly represent their Jewish heritage.
U.S. Ambassador Thomas Barrett said: “The work Operation Benjamin does is important not only to the Jewish community, but to all of us, regardless of religion, beliefs, or background. I am thankful to see Everett Seixas publicly recognized as a man of proud Jewish heritage who fought for the United States and his faith” adding “As we stand witness to the brutal Russian invasion of a democratic European country, it becomes even more important that we recognize the cost for freedom and peace that was paid for by young lives over 75 years ago.”

The ceremony was held in honor of TC5 Everett M. Seixas, Jr, Technician Fifth Grade, U.S. Army, New York who fought and died in World War II. Although he was Jewish, he was mistakenly buried under a Latin Cross instead of the Star of David. With Operation Benjamin’s assistance, this error was rectified, and the Latin Cross headstone was replaced with a Star of David.
The family of Everett Seixas also brought along the original flag that was presented to the family when Everett Seixas was buried in 1949. The flag was flown during the ceremony in honor of TC5 Everett and ceremonially folded by his descendent at the end of the event.
In addition to Ambassador Barrett, participants at the ceremony included Ambassador of Israel to Luxembourg and Belgium, Emmanuel Nahshon; Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter and Shalom Lamm of Operation Benjamin; leadership from the American Battle Monuments Commission; members of the Seixas family; and a representative of the U.S. Army for a farewell salute; and members of the Luxembourg Jewish community.
More information on Operation Benjamin is available here: https://www.operationbenjamin.org/
Photo album of the ceremony available for download, credit U.S. Embassy Luxembourg: https://www.flickr.com/gp/usembassyluxembourg/768Mu3
For more information, please contact the Public Affairs section at the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg at +352 46 01 23 21/ 24 or at LuxembourgPublicAffairs@state.gov