Dear AMCHAM Members and friends,
I am happy to welcome you to our 3 February issue of your AMCHAM Newsletter!
As you read this Newsletter, the new US Ambassador has just arrived in country. I am pleased to be having a meeting with him tomorrow and very much looking forward to working with him to continue the excellent relations we have had with the US Embassy for many years. I will invite Ambassador Thomas M. Barrett to do an interview as soon as it’s possible and likewise look forward to hosting an event with him to introduce you all to him. Welcome Mr. Ambassador!
Our lead interview this issue of our Newsletter is Fabrice Testa, Co-Founder and CFO of MAANA Electric. We are delighted to have Fabrice as an AMCHAM member and encourage all of you to read his book which has such a fresh take on visionary leadership. Here is a successful businessman transplanted into Luxembourg from the East of Europe who has had the vision and courage to found and grow a Space focused company which will make solar panels to produce electricity on the moon using moon soil as the principal ingredient. WOW!
Of special interest about Fabrice is that he is not just a techie, but also exceptionally skilled at motivating people and managing organizations. Enjoy reading his wit and wisdom and join us in a month when we host him for one of our American Business Club lunches at Cercle Munster! We also are pleased to be partnering with Cercle Munster as we focus on presenting several exceptional physical events each month which are more intimate networking and information events. We love big events and will do those again as soon as it is again safe. But in the meantime, we could not be more pleased to be doing smaller high-quality events in the superb setting of Cercle Munster as we launch these smaller events. Our priority is to allow as many absolutely safe networking opportunities as entirely possible under the Luxembourg medical safety guidelines. We are confident our partnership with Cercle Munster will allow us to do that.. and to do so with style and great food /service in a perfect event environment! Our sincere thanks to Max Von Hochberg and the Cercle Munster team for their exceptional kindness, professionalism, courtesy and support!!
Also, in this issue we are starting to more extensively publish the list of our events for the year. Please make special note of Thanksgiving on 25 November 2022 at Cercle Cité (with tickets available for Sponsored, Corporate, Committee and individual reservations!).
Our first event in this new approach is on 7 February when we will host the Political/ Economics officer from the US Embassy to give us a detailed analysis of the details and challenges of the current Ukraine crisis. If you want the inside story of the risks and reasons behind this geopolitical stand-off, sign up quickly HERE
There is limited seating for this event.
As I often say, if you know and like us, but are not yet an AMCHAM member, join us! If you have questions, issues or subjects you think we need to work on, let us know by writing to Jane HERE or me at: Paul@amcham.lu.
Thanks for your friendship and support and be assured of our friendship and support in return!
With respect and my/our very best wishes,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO