Dear AMCHAM members and friends,
I want to start this Newsletter with a special acknowledgment and sincere expression of thanks to Jane Mottet, who has ably served as the founding editor of this AMCHAM Newsletter since we started this project and is now going into the next phase of her life to enjoy a well-deserved retirement.
Jane has been a much-appreciated member of the AMCHAM team over the past several years. We have all enjoyed her wisdom and wit. I have especially enjoyed and appreciated her strength, energy, and ability to get things done with style and class. She deserves all of the credit for building this Newsletter into a successful vehicle for public service without having any previous experience as a journalist, a truly remarkable accomplishment! It goes without saying that she will be missed. As her schedule permits, she will continue to join us from time to time, and we have offered her a lifetime AMCHAM membership as a small expression of our thanks and sincere wish to stay connected. Thank you, Jane, and all best wishes!
This week’s guest interviewee is one of the longest-serving politicians in Luxembourg, Laurent Mosar, who serves both in the government of Luxembourg City and the Chamber of Deputies. With his extensive experience and considerable wisdom, he has been wisely and effectively involved in contributing to the success of the city and the country for many years. We know you will enjoy and benefits from his insights and opinions.
With this year being a political election year, we will contribute to keeping our constituency informed on the issues of importance which are topically on the table. We will do this by hosting several notable politicians to be interviewed and putting on three Town Hall meetings in partnership with the Media House news organization, the British Chamber of Commerce, and other expat and international business-focused organizations. In addition, we encourage you to register and vote in the Luxembourg elections (click HERE for voter registration details) and will try our best to help give you access to the objectives and points of view of the various political parties and their candidates. We understand it is, at times, difficult for English language speakers to inform themselves about the objectives and political positions of the different political parties and their candidates. We, therefore, will try to ask the various political parties to give us their information in English so we can inform you and ensure you are comfortable being well-informed voters. Watch this space for more details in the coming election season.
By now, most of us have recovered from the end-of-year holiday parties. However, for those ready to wear your dancing shoes again and enjoy a good party, we invite you to join us for a Winter Carnival party at the Hilton this Friday evening, 3 March. Marco Boesen will provide the dance music and entertainment. The dress code will be “Fancy Dress”, “All Black” or “Costume”! There will be a lot of food available, including Asian and BBQ-inspired dishes and beverages. Ice cream from Goeres Marcello will be served for dessert. Please click HERE to register and join us for this fun Networking party! If you and your friends want to book a dedicated table, a corporate table, or a sponsored table, please contact
We are pleased to announce that the Hilton offers a special price of 95 Euro for double rooms (including breakfast and free parking) for those willing to stay overnight.
On 8 March, we are pleased to be joining PWC once again for our annual International Woman’s Day event. We have a great group of women (and one man!) leaders who will share their wisdom and career/life advice with you. This year we have decided to try to do this as a lunch event. Join us by registering HERE!
If you still need to subscribe, please register HERE for a free subscription to this Newsletter. And, if you are not yet an AmCham member, please get in touch with us HERE for more information on the benefits of belonging to the largest and most active Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg.
Thanks for your support and for allowing us to serve you!
With respect and very best wishes,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO