Dear AMCHAM members and friends!
We are very honored in this issue of our Newsletter to present and promote the Hotel and Tourism School of Luxembourg in Diekirch! Michel Lanners, the Director of the School, is an outstanding educator who has brilliantly grown this school to world class status for the benefit of his students and the country. In simple truth, not every mother’s son or daughter will be happy growing up to be a lawyer or doctor or fund manager, and therefore it is extremely important that there are high quality educational establishments which can satisfy the full broad range of aspirations of our children and prepare them to be happy and fulfilled living their dreams. Mr. Lanners along with his team and their students are certainly doing this right . We compliment them and welcome the opportunity to share their story and success with you!
Also in this issue we have a very interesting article about stress challenges and how to deal with them written by one of the Expat leaders active in the Luxembourg National Council of Foreigners. These past several years have seen a significant increase in stress and depression inducers caused by a full range of factors including the Covid pandemic, the related home working and home schooling of our children, the economic challenges and, most recently, the military conflict in Ukraine. While any one of these issues is a formidable stress inducer, putting them all together one after another has brought many people past their natural ability to cope. For those of us who are foreigners living here in Luxembourg away from our natural national support networks of culture, family and friends, coping has been even harder for some. On that basis, we have thought it is important to talk about these stress factors and offer some coping mechanisms. This article and topic will be a theme which we will follow going forward in an effort to help people cope and deal with these issues. Thank you Berto for authoring this first article on this important subject.
Starting in our Newsletter of next week, we will offer to AMCHAM affiliate companies the possibility to present selected job vacancies they are looking to fill. With the rapid return to full employment, the international companies of Luxembourg are having great difficulty filling specialty skilled jobs and we want to help by promoting interesting opportunities which exist within our network and connect them with suitable skilled employee prospects among our readership. We hope this service will serve our members companies and our international highly skilled readership to connect for mutual benefit. Please contact for further information.
Last week I mentioned that we would welcome financial sponsorship to pay for lunches of attendees at our Newcomer orientation courses. Today, I am pleased to announce that we are proceeding forward with a Ukrainian focused Newcomer orientation course on Saturday, 15 October 2022. We hope to host 100 Ukrainians at this course and appreciate for all of our members and friends to encourage eligible attendees to register on our website to attend this free course. See our website for further details and contact or And yes, we still need financial sponsorship to cover the lunch costs (so please talk to Daniel and Sabina about this if you are willing to help us)!
We have worked hard over the Summer break period to prepare for a strong AMCHAM Fall program. Some aspects of these activities are included in upcoming events with more to follow. Feel free to share these opportunities with your colleagues and friends and please join us !
With our respect and very best wishes,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO