Dear AMCHAM members, partners, and friends,
Welcome to our 21 April 2022 post-Easter Newsletter! We appreciate you joining us and reading our newsletter. If you like what you see, please tell your friends to sign up by sending a request to info@amcham.lu with their names and email addresses. It is not necessary to be an AMCHAM member to register; we are doing this as a public service (although we would be delighted for you to join our family by contacting us here).
This week we are delighted to have a comprehensive interview with our new American Ambassador, Tom Barrett! Mr. Ambassador, thank you very much for taking the time to answer all our questions so our members and friends can know you better and understand your objectives and point of view. We are delighted to have you with us! Thank you for joining us two weeks ago for our welcome lunch at Cercle Munster, where you made such a positive impression on our attendees! (You can find the photos of this ABAL lunch later in this Newsletter!).
Dear readers, please look at the almost 200 partners we have signed up to give discounts to our AMCHAM members. Jorge does his usual excellent job signing up new partners with great deals for their superb products and services. Please read the following text and the MBC section of our AMCHAM.lu website. Great companies as partners give you excellent discounts and are eager to serve you. Well worth a look and a visit! If you have a favorite restaurant or retail store looking for good quality new customers, please let us know, and we will do our best to bring them into our MBC program. If you are not an MBC cardholder, email us at mbc@amcham.lu, and we would be glad to contact you about our very reasonable terms and conditions for MBC membership!
We are happy to be able to relaunch our excellent (and free) Saturday 5-hour Newcomer orientation program to serve our new arrivals here in Luxembourg from Ukraine. These free classes will start on Saturday, 30th of April, and the following Saturday, the 7th of May. Our thanks to the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce for partnering with us and letting us use their facilities in Kirchberg to teach these classes and the our two excellent teachers, Sabina Mammadova and Bakhtiyar Mammadov, volunteering to teach these classes in the Russian language. And our thanks to Spuerkeess, ACL, and LuxTimes for sponsoring the lunches! Every attendee will also receive a free AMCHAM one-year membership and a free one-year MBC card. We are glad to do our part to welcome these people into Luxembourg, help them settle in, and support them in all the ways we can.
Keep watching this space. We have lots of new and exciting events coming up shortly (details will follow later in this Newsletter), including a great event explaining the business model for cannabis-related businesses during an ABAL lunch this coming Monday. Please see the signup details later in this issue!
We appreciate your support and membership, and we thank you for allowing us to serve you!
With respect and my very best regards,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO
AMCHAM, Luxembourg