Dear AMCHAM members and friends,
Welcome to issue number 59 of your AMCHAM Newsletter.
Last weekend a group from AMCHAM had the pleasure to book a table and join the Acting US Ambassador, Casey Mace, his wife and the detachment of US Marines guarding the US Embassy in Luxembourg for the annual Marine Corps Ball, which celebrates the founding of the US Marine Corps. Over 100 people attended this very patriotic and moving celebration held at NAMUR in Hamm. In addition to a great speech by Mr. Mace, the pomp and ceremony of the Marines presenting and retiring their colors and some additional fabulous breakdancing from some of the Marines in their dress uniforms! There was a very personal and moving speech by retired Staff Sgt Roger Barrens, the oldest former Marine living in Luxembourg. Please read and enjoy his remarks and tribute to his band of brothers!
We in AMCHAM are busy organizing our sold out Thanksgiving for next week and again thank all of our members and friends for their enthusiasm which has allowed us to so quickly have a sold out event!
Also in this issue, we are very pleased to publish an interview with Angela Nickel, the new Chairperson of our AMCHAM Digital committee and the CEO of COMO. You will see, and I hope agree, that we are taking Digital transformation very seriously as a significant theme during the New Year. We believe getting digital transformation right is absolutely necessary for the long term survival and prosperity of our business community and for Luxembourg. We urge all of you to pay attention to this theme and to get on board with us during the coming month as we develop this theme. Watch this space for frequent updates!
Make sure you join us this week for our annual personal tax briefing digital lunch by Laura Foulds, which we present in partnership with our good friends in the British Chamber of Commerce. This year our British friends are hosting and next year will again be our turn. And for our corporate tax experts, please join the very excellent evening digital event being put on by our AMCHAM tax committee and their powerful speakers on the evening of 30th November.
For those of our members who have already paid their 2022 membership dues, big thanks for your ongoing support. For those who are pending to pay, don’t forget us! And for those who are not yet members, please contact us at our website address. You will be glad you did!
My respect, thanks and very best wishes to all,
Paul Michael Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO