Dear AMCHAM Members, Partners and Friends,
In these challenging times, it is comforting to know that a good bit of normal routine activity is still taking place!
Our new American Ambassador has presented his credentials been accredited and welcomed by our Grand Duke. Ambassador Barrett, we are so pleased to have you and your wife here with us in Luxembourg! We wish you every success!
Our friends at PWC have organized with us a terrific International Women’s day event in early March! Our companies are busy growing and offering services to their customers. And the immediacy of confrontation in Ukraine appears just a tiny bit lessened. We hope all of these positive trends continue!
I am delighted to present this week a wonderful interview with the Japanese Ambassador to Luxembourg, H.E. Okuyama Jiro. I first had the pleasure to meet Ambassador Jiro last year at IT Spring and later was very pleased to host him and his country team for a comprehensive working session. I am impressed by the Ambassador for his intellectual strength and also for his unswerving allegiance to living his life based on unwavering adherence to a solid value structure. It is our pleasure to share his interview with you. Read and enjoy!
Our compliments to Minister Meisch and his Education Ministry team for opening yet another English-speaking school. On behalf of the English-speaking children who will benefit from this new school, our sincere thanks for helping them overcome the challenge of the traditional multilingual Luxembourgish school system with its very high barrier against entry for the non- Francophone and non-Germanophone school-age population. We likewise appreciate this gesture of appreciation and importance directed towards the English-speaking community.
We, who live and work with our families and friends here in Luxembourg, are very lucky to have the opportunity to be guest residents and guests workers in this wonderful country! Thank you, Luxembourg, for the warmth of your welcome!
We have some articles to publish next week under the banner of “Just in case…” where we offer some advice and wise counsel on the subject of emergency preparedness. We truly hope there will never be a necessity to take the actions we will advise next week to ensure the health and safety of yourself, your families, and your friends during some sort of national emergency, but it is better to be prepared….” just in case….”
But for this week, we are simply happy to wish you well and thank you for joining us. Feel free to share this newsletter with your colleagues and friends, and please consider joining our AMCHAM family if you are not yet a member!
With respect and my very best wishes,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO