Dear AmCham members, partners and friends,
Welcome to the first AmCham Newsletter of 2025. We are excited and strongly motivated to serve you in this new, and challenging year!
In this issue you will see an essay explaining what happened with the recent US election, the consequences for Luxembourg and the world and what we will be doing to ensure your best interests as we go forward.
In addition, we will start publishing every week a motivational video clip from Jordan Peterson or another inspiring motivational speaker. We hope you will like these!
As in years past our goal is to serve you, our members and friends. With your help and support we have become the largest and most active of the private Chambers of Commerce in Luxembourg. We are well-connected and believe we play a special role engaging with decision-makers to advocate for your best interests, which, in turn, serves the best interest of the country of Luxembourg. You and your companies generate the wealth and pay the taxes which allow the government to protect and serve the inhabitants of this country. Therefore, you and your companies are important. We are dedicated to ensure your needs are considered and fairly addressed.
We look forward to seeing you next week at our annual reception the evening of 22 January at Spuerkeess with Amazon sponsorship.
Thanks to all who have already paid their 2025 membership dues!
If you want to get more involved, please know we are working to relaunch our committees and there may be space for you if you and your companies are interested to be on one (or more) of our 17 committees. Likewise, we are looking for companies who are interested to sponsor ABAL lunches and our newly planned program of after-work-drinks networking events. Please contact me (paul@amcham.lu) or Daniel (daniel@amcham.lu) if you want to further discuss.
Last of all, we would appreciate you introducing us to high quality non-member companies so we can explain what we do and offer them the possibility to become part of our family. We are very proud to be a melting pot English-speaking international business chamber of commerce with a broad expat membership of 30% American, 20% Luxembourg and 50% global companies from around the world!
With respect and very best regards,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO