Dear Friend,
Representing AmCham during such a difficult time as the one we are experiencing these days is certainly a source of great responsibility. After the intensification of the violence and the consequent worsening of the humanitarian emergency in Ukraine, it is important to remember how everyone can help create a better world and a sustainable and peaceful future.
In these days of international crisis, many organizations are mobilizing to bring their support and respond to the numerous urgencies and needs of the Ukrainian population: from the collection of the essentials for everyday life to medical care and fundraising campaigns.
For this reason, AmCham Italy has considered imperative to promote a fundraising campaign, launching its “Yes, We Care” initiative, to support the humanitarian operations for the Ukrainian people that are forced to leave their country, hit by war and devastation.
Today, we want to be at the forefront to bring our help where it is most needed. As in 2020, during the pandemic emergency, AmCham Italy, in cooperation with the US Diplomatic Mission to Italy and the Italian Diplomatic Mission to the United States, coordinated and directed the generous donations, both economic and ‘in-kind’, carried out by American Corporations operating in Italy. An extraordinary solidarity expressed through the almost 50 million euros donated.
As AmCham Italy, we have decided to make our contribution donating to the fund established by Comune di Milano to support people coming from Ukraine.
This is a small gesture with which we hope to provide some kind of relief to those suffering from the consequences of this tragic war.
Simone Crolla
Managing Director
American Chamber of Commerce in Italy
Via Cantù, 1 – 20123 Milano
Ph. +39 028690661
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