Dear AMCHAM members and friends,
Both personally and on behalf of the entire AMCHAM team, I wish each of you, your families, your friends, and your companies a very Happy New Year. Have all good health, great happiness, and all continued success!
I am well aware that the past months have been difficult for you and us. We are deeply grateful for your loyalty, support, and appreciation for what we have been trying to inform and serve you during this challenging Covid period. It was especially gratifying that we were able to finish our year with the memory of our holding the biggest and best Thanksgiving dinner Gala in our history! It was such a pleasure to share such positive engagement with so many of you at this very successful sold-out event! Thanks to all of you who were able to join us! We are planning an even bigger Thanksgiving for this coming year and have already booked the Banquet Hall of Cercle Cite. So book your agendas already for 25 November 2022!
Be assured that we are focused on serving you in the very best way we possibly can during this new year. The Covid experience has left us a leaner, tighter organization motivated to be the best we can be in service to you.
My congratulations to Rolph Sorg, his wife Vicki, and their company PM-International, for closing out their year by donating 1.5 million Euros to help those in need. They are showing the very best face of corporate social responsibility! Please see the announcement in this issue.
I am very honored to welcome and give a platform to the Czech Ambassador as our guest interviewee in this issue of our AMCHAM Newsletter. I think you will all enjoy reading his words of wisdom!
Please feel free to share this newsletter with your family, friends, and colleagues. And please tell them that we invite them to join our international family with all of the details explained later in this newsletter.
With my respect and very best wishes,
Paul Michael Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO