Dear AMCHAM members and Friends,
Following on our interview last week with Claude Meisch, the Luxembourg Minister of Education, we are pleased this week to welcome Professor Doctor Stephane Pallage, the Rector of the University of Luxembourg to talk about how the University has ensured the health and safety of its staff and students. We should all be encouraged by reading his vision and strategy to continue the University of Luxembourg on a path of growth and success. Thank you Professor Pallage for this excellent interview.
We have had a very busy week starting on Monday with a joint event with the British Chamber of Commerce and the Luxembourg Times featuring an the excellent interview with our esteemed Minister of Health, Paulette Lenert. This has been followed by our fourth annual International Women’s day panel discussion hosted by PWC and undertaken in Partnership with our friends at LACCNYC. We look forward to showing you the photos and giving you a full report in the Newsletter of next week.
We are pleased to confirm that (retired) US Ambassador J. Randolph Evans has agreed to become the United States Representative. His insights along with his unparalleled access to senior political figures from both political parties opens for us the opportunity to have unparalleled access and perhaps some small degree of influence to facilitate bilateral economic and political activities to the benefit of both the United States and Luxembourg. Watch this space as we seek out and develop opportunities.
We are incredibly excited to be launching a program to help retail establishments gain access and business from our AMCHAM members on terms and conditions that benefit our members and their employees as well as the merchants who volunteer to partner with us. Please read all of the details in the linked article in this Newsletter.
Enjoy the several other links information articles and our excellent cooking recipe.
We wish you a good week and thank you for working with us as partners and friend.
With respect, friendship and very best wishes,
Paul Schonenberg
Chairman and CEO