Café Op Der Bréck
- Portuguese bar, snack bar and restaurant
- Food & music and fun
Contact information
158, Rue Principale
L-5480 Wormeldange
Contact person: Sónia BALDAIA
Tel. +352 27 93 54 61
email: primafruits@icloud.com

Luxembourg Wine & Spirit Association
The project of opening a wine school started on the bench of our WSET diploma journey . While learning about diversity of the wines around the world, and experimenting tasting wines from around the world, the idea of sharing our knowledge germinated.
We grew up in France, in a country where the culture of wine and food is almost in everyday conversations. Like in many producing country with a very long history in making wine, the knowledge of what is out there, in other countries, is little explored. The idea of creating a school came from this statement and our willingness to help amateurs and professional to discover grape varieties, methods of production, styles from all over the world.
We established our school in the center of Europe, in Luxembourg for various reasons. The founders have been working in the Grand Duchy for years and there are very few countries in Europe combining domestic production of wine, concentration of knowledgeable amateurs and openness to diversity of the wine world.
Contact information
20, rue Matthias Cungs
L-3446 Dudelange
Tel. +33 664 380 705
Email: contact@lwsa.lu
Website https://www.lwsa.lu/