Expired Overcoming the challenges of writing and publishing the book in your head


March 7th, 2022
12 noon – 2pm


Everyone has (at least!) one book in their head… something that they believe in and that they can make a contribution by writing.

But, as often happens in life, the book stays in their heads and never makes it to paper.

We will give you full inside on how to overcome the challenges of writing and publishing  the book in your head.

Amcham is happy to announce the next ABAL lunch event which will take place on March 07th introducing Mary Carey.

Mary Carey (Dubrule) was born in Toronto, Canada and also holds Irish nationality.

In 1991, she moved to Luxembourg where she raised her four sons but considers both sides of the “pond” home.

She was a journalist for years and has published hundreds of articles,

as well as worked as a corporate writer for more than 20 years.

She is currently Media Relations and Editorial Senior Manager for PwC Luxembourg.

Years ago, she started the Creative Writing Club of Luxembourg where she co-edited and contributed to the anthology, Writing from a Small Country.

Irresistible Blending is her first novel published  Here



This event is under Covid check G3+ Including ID.  See link here

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We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.

Overcoming the challenges of writing and publishing the book in your head

March 7, 2022

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm



5-7 rue Munster, Luxembourg, 2160, Luxembourg


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